Friday 22 February 2013

21.02.13 ~ Thursday's post

I was feeling a little uneasy at work the past day or so as I really wanted to get cracking on taking in the amendments to the text of the modern art book which I'd been asked to do a few days earlier however I was constantly being set more and more work, each task being equally as important/urgent making it pretty difficult to prioritise. Thursday was no better; I sat down at my desk, checked my e-mails and found an urgent printing job that needed doing - I had to print off several chapters for a vegetarian recipe book. No mean feat when the printer gets a paper jam every 2nd or 3rd sheet. Instead of being able to work at my desk I had to stand guard and clear the paper jams.

Some more publishers had got back to me about meeting the Director at the London Book Fair so I added their appointments to the calendar.

The day before, the Director and her partner had visited the new office so today I had to go through her notes and action any points such as contacting the current tenants to check what furniture they were taking or leaving, informing them that we wanted the walls painting white and so on. I also was asked to change the furniture inventory spreadsheet which the previous intern had written. Quite a lot of furniture will be given away or dumped so I'm glad I'm involved in this project as I'm hoping to snaffle as much as I can because I know someone who could use desks, cabinets, tables & chairs for a converted warehouse. Although we're one bookshelf less now as I managed to break a bookcase by putting a parcel which was obviously too heavy for the shelf; books went flying everywhere!

The Director showed me the Frankfurt Book Fair folder - this fair takes place in October but it's so popular that their hotel is already booked. I was asked to check the cancellation policy on their hotel booking in case they want to switch hotels and the Director asked me to put a reminder in my calendar 1 week before the cancellation period ran out which is September time. It didn't twig until later but my internship is meant to end in 2 weeks - is this a good sign? Or perhaps the next intern would have access to the same calendar?

She was in a good mood and I was even asked to go buy some chocolates for the office.

I spent most of the afternoon working my way through the German pending deals again (top priority!), contacting customers to see if they wanted to join our print run for various titles.

As I hadn't had time all day to work on the editorial job for the modern art book, I decided to work late and limited myself to 1 hour overtime. However, the Director was still in her office and she continued to set me more and more tasks so that once again I didn't get to touch QuarkXpress.

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