Thursday 14 February 2013

Day 6

Today was rather busy! I keep being given more and more tasks to do... which is great! I won't complain but initially I was worried about not being given enough things to do!

I spent the first couple of hours in the morning working on a chapter checking the rewrites. Unfortunately it was all a big mess; the author had send text back in 4 different attachments but not labelled each section with what the text referred to and she also included the old text version as well (but sometimes in slightly different wording) so I had to figure out (a) what was irrelevant and (b) where the next text should be pasted into.

I met the Editorial Director for the first time as she returned from her 3-week holiday. She was relaxed, friendly, open and even called me "hon" at one point! I am looking forward to working with her once she's caught up with her e-mails.

I spent 1.5 hours importing all of the German customer e-mails from my Director's inbox via the server then into my Outlook folders.

Next I chose to work on some more LBF appointments as a couple of people had got back to me saying they couldn't make the suggested time and had asked for alternatives. Unfortunately there weren't many as the remaining slots had meanwhile been suggested to the French customers. It really is like a jigsaw though and I'm sure that all of the pieces will eventually fall into place.

I started the copyediting of the chaper in the afternoon which was rather exciting and I enjoyed doing.

Afterwards, I went through the notes I'd made about the author rewrites for a chapter, and the Director was pleased with what I'd done. I then started to prepare all 3 chapters for the author meeting tomorrow. I left the office around 6.30pm thoroughly exhausted!

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